Re-roofing & Repairs

Re-roofing is one of the key services we provide. We have extensive experience in both tiled and colorbond roofing. We also carry out repairs and respraying to refresh old and tired roofs.

What we have learned since the devastating February 2022 floods is that insurance companies are cracking down on poorly maintained roofs.

Re-roofing should be planned for the drier months of the year. We highly advise planning at least 6 months prior to the start of the dry season and to lock in your contractors.

The last few years have been quite difficult in this regard due to high volumes of rain. Changing a roof in a weather event can become stressful and expensive if any water damage arises from rain.

We recommend our clients plan for works to be completed between March and November where possible.

We happily offer FREE detailed roof reports with recommendations. Contact us for your FREE inspection and quote.

Re-roofing has several advantages including refreshing the feel, adding value, making your building more energy efficient, and keeping your property safe. We pride ourselves on creating happy clients by ensuring your roof will stand the test of time using only the highest quality materials.

Important factors when re-roofing

When re-roofing any building its important to understand a few factors including current and previous building standards and the engineering that's involved.

Building standards

Building standards are upgraded on an annual basis. A roof structure that was compliant 10 years’ ago may not be compliant today. This is why it's extremely important to seek the advice of an engineer or building certifier prior to replacing your roof, especially on Class 2 and 3 buildings.

Roofs usually last anywhere from 20 - 40 years. There is a high possibility that if your roof needs to be replaced, the roof structure may need some additional structural tie downs prior to the new roof cladding being installed.

Changing roof cladding types

Changing the roof type will likely require additional structural work. The four common roof claddings are:

1. Colorbond — a standard metal roof

2. Tile — which can be concrete or terracotta

3. Super 6 Roof Sheeting or corrugated Asbestos roof sheets

4. Decramastic — also known as pressed metal tiles or ‘Decrabond’

These roofs work in different ways therefore the engineering approach is unique.

For example, if you want to change from tile to colorbond, the roof structure will need to be tied down to the ground floor concrete slab.

Tiled roofs are held down by their weight, meaning the framing in the roof is designed to support more weight and does not need to be tied to the concrete slab.

A colorbond roof is the opposite. It is much lighter and more like a parachute structure. This means it needs to be tied to the concrete slab to stop it from lifting off the building during windy weather events.

A licensed builder is required to change the structure of a roof. A roofer is not qualified or trained in this area and is outside the scope of a roofing contractor licence.

If the building is a Class 2 or above, you will need a building contractor that is a Certified Building Practitioner as these types of buildings are outside of the scope of a standard licensed building contractor. We hold all of these licences.

We personally know body corporates that have spent significant amounts of money replacing their roof, only to have to replace the roof again due to non-compliance. Usually, the contractor will dissolve the company and the owners are left paying the bill for a second time.

Many people are unaware of these standards, including some roofing contractors and builders’ contractors. Insurance companies are starting to crack down on leaking roofs now, especially after the floods of 2022.

We are always available to share our knowledge and advice for free with any potential client. Contact us.